1. She wanted him to repair their grandson´s bicycle! 她叫他去修理孙子的自行车。
2. Sales staff in white coats "diagnose" skin types on "computers" and blind customers with the science of damaged molecules and DNA repair. 推销人员穿着白大褂,在"电脑"上给消费者"诊断"皮肤类型,用修复受损分子和DNA这些技术来蒙蔽消费者。
3. Can your mechanics repair it? 你们的机械师能修好吗?
4. Computers will diagnose any problems with the engine. Computer connections will list the nearest places of repair, tell the cost of new parts and the place where they can be bought. 电脑会诊断出汽车引擎的任何问题。电脑网络会显示出最近的修理站点,标出新零件的价格以及在哪里有售等。
5. "I have a plank of wood in the house and I can easily repair it." “我家里有块木板,不费力气就能把它修好的。”
6. Rather, we need to make products more durable, lighter, more energy efficient and easier to repair rather than to replace. 与之相反,我们需要制造更多更耐用、更轻便、更节能、更易修理而不是更易替换的产品。
7. The old undue grip relaxes and the process of recuperation and repair begins. 原先不适当的紧张就会松弛下来,恢复和修整的过程就会开始。
8. It would be too costly to repair the car. 修理这辆汽车要花很多钱.
9. I´ll have Master Li repair the motor for you. 我找李师傅给你修电机。
10. It had broken down the previous summer, and though I promised to repair it, I had never got round to it. 那台割草机去年夏天就坏了,尽管我答应修,但一直没抽出时间,