1. Two factors weigh heavily against the effectiveness of scientific research in industry.

2. Today these observations can seem quite commonplace, yet looking back one must view them as a solid landmark in malaria research.

3. They helped each other with homework, worked on research for class assignments and talked about their problems.

4. Tai chi is just one form of exercise studied for its fall-preventing benefits as part of a recently completed six-year project by the National Institute on Aging and the National Institute of Nursing Research.

5. The Population Council report found that while most countries have done extensive research on women as mothers, men as fathers have been virtually invisible to researchers.

6. Health care is better than ever. Medical research breakthroughs include finding tumors early, and saving lives through CAT scans and surgery.

7. Humans are more than the sum of their genes, argues a philosopher at one research institute.

8. A new analysis of research from numerous countries has concluded.

9. Dr. Sandra Scarr of Virginia University(弗吉尼亚大学), president of the Society for Research in Child Development(儿童发展研究会主席), believes geniuses are largely born.

10. All the time Hunter went on with his research work both on animals and humans.