1. He died of a major infection - a sad way to die.

2. Autumn looked sad.

3. And what makes my mother sad right now, I think, is not simply that her mother will die in a day or two, but that, once her mother dies, there will never again be someone to love her in quite such a complete, unrestrained way.

4. Sad, I packed up my books and walked slowly back to my room.
    我感到难受, 收拾了书本就慢慢地朝我的房间走去。

5. Sad to say, many English people in the 1920's and 1930's thought Chaplin's Tramp a bit, well, " crude ".

6. “It's hard to understand how a clever person like him could mislead people like that. It's sad.

7. One boy said the poem was heartbreakingly sad.

8. I think he is sad , despite his smiles.

9. I´m sad you´re leaving.
    你要走了, 我很难过.

10. I would be so sad I would commit suicide at once.