1. Back in the train, we told each other what a wonderful time we had had that day. 回去的火车上,大家都说,这一天过得真愉快。
2. But I am going to buy them all back again now!" 不过现在我要把这些东西一一买回来。”
3. Back in the early 1960s, when the laser was first being developed, it was viewed by some as a fascinating research tool, others called it a science-fiction toy. 追溯到二十世纪六十年代初期,当激光最初被开发利用时,一些人视之为神奇的科研工具,另一些人则称之为科幻小说里的玩具。
4. But hardly had he eaten the last mouthful when he was back in his study again. 但几乎等不及吃完最后一口,就又回到了他的书房。
5. Bonpland set up one of the electrometers to measure the electric discharge, but there was no reading. 庞普朗安装了一只电表来测量放电量,但电表上没有任何读数。
6. Bonpland was hauled back on board unharmed. 庞普朗被完好无损地拉回到了船上。
7. Back in the good old days of stable economic expansion — the 1950s and 1960s — a person could choose to do something new, exciting, and creative in life but could also choose to say, "That's not for me: 回顾过去经济平稳发展的好时光--20世纪的50年代和60年代--人们可能会选择生活中某种既新鲜刺激,又有创意的事干,但是也可能会说:
8. But the people of London were also in the front lines, and they did not have the satisfaction of being able to fight back. 伦敦人民也站到了战斗前线,但是他们并不满足,因为他们不能直接投入到反击敌人的战斗中去。
9. But as we started out, he always said, "You set the pace. I will try to adjust to you." 但每次出门时,他总说:"你按你的步速走,我跟着你。"
10. Because time was short — the patient was dying — the Red Cross man and an officer set out in an army vehicle. 由于时间紧迫--病人已奄奄一息--红十字会的人和一名军官乘一辆军车出发。