1. The Hyde curriculum is similar to conventional schools that provide preparation for college, complete with English, history, math and science.

2. The theme that families are changing in similar ways, even in very different cultures, should bring about new thinking on social policy, experts say, and in particular an increase in the importance of families in the agenda of governments.

3. His home was a small house, one of a long row of similar ones.

4. And a similar high percentage among Hasidic Jews (哈西德派犹太教徒) in New York and among Turkish and Afghan Muslims (阿富汗穆斯林教徒) — gives one pause.

5. Argues that all employees, from bottle washers to the president, are similar to actors who have to obey rules about appearance.

6. Pigs, for example, have organs similar in size to humans'.

7. Many of the radio and electronic devices used are similar to those of artificial satellites.

8. Morocco and California are bits of the Earth in very similar latitudes.

9. Moon-dwellers will be able to fly in space at only three per cent of the cost of similar journeys by their terrestrial cousins.

10. Morocco and California are bits of the Earth in very similar latitudes,