1. The error was 44 minutes and 56 seconds for each leap year, or 11 minutes and 14 seconds for each single year. 每个闰年的误差就是44分56秒或是每年11分14秒。
2. They, as a group of single women, were best friends, supported one another, and defined one another as "family". 她们这个群体,个个单身,都是好朋友,互相扶持,彼此视作"家人"。
3. These two countries share a common border that runs for thousands of kilometers, with not a single soldier along the way. 两国有几千公里的共同边界,在这条边界线上没有一个巡逻的士兵。
4. Riding on its air cushion over a single rail, which it never touches, at speeds up to 300 m.p.h. 靠气垫在单轨上行驶而不接触轨道,时速可达每小时300英里。
5. No matter how hard I tried, it was impossible to fill this beautiful pen with ink and to this day it has never written a single word! 然而不管我如何摆弄,那枝漂亮的钢笔就是吸不进墨水来。直到今天,那枝笔连一个字也没写过!
6. He must, for example, perceive an egg as a simple single solid shape, quite apart from its significance as food, or from the literary idea that it will become a bird. 以鸟蛋为例。观赏者必须感觉到它是一个单一的实体形态,而完全不靠它的食用意义或它会变成鸟这样的文字概念来感觉。
7. He earned enormous sums of money and was paid as much as $100 for a single appearance. 门多萨挣来大笔大笔的钱,一次出场费就多可达100英镑。
8. He has eight lawyer assistants to help him and he examines every single letter in detail. 他有8位律师作他的助手协助工作,每封信都详细批阅。
9. Do you want a single or a return ticket? 你要单程票还是往返票?
10. And if a single curved glass would distort nature, how much more would a pair of them? 何况一片曲面镜就可歪曲自然,那么伽利略的两片曲面镜对自然的歪曲又该多大呢?