1. There are some clouds in the sky, but the sun is shining. 天空中有些云彩.但阳光灿烂.
2. There are innumerable constellations in the sky. 天空中有数不清的星座。
3. The colours of the sunset were diffused across the sky. 日落时分, 霞光满天。
4. The sky was lurid with the flames of the burning city. 城市燃烧的火焰映红了天空。
5. There are myriad flies in the sky. 天空中有无数的苍蝇.
6. The sky became suddenly overcast with clouds. 乌云密布, 天空突然暗下来。
7. The sky was clear, and moonlight was shimmering on the lake . 天空中没有一片云,而月光照在湖面上,闪闪发光。
8. There are some clouds in the sky, but the sun is shining. 天空中有些云彩.但阳光灿烂.
9. There are thousands of stars in the sky. 天上有成千上万的星星。
10. The sky looks stormy. 天色看上去会有暴风雨。