1. There is none of the hurry which, in our society, often hampers the full development of a growing personality.

2. The conditions of society are such that skills have to be paid for in the same way that goods are paid for at a shop.

3. This society, he explained, would consist of trained volunteers who would always be ready to travel to the scene of any war that might break out.

4. This could be done only if all the countries would allow the society to carry out its work without hindrance, he insisted.

5. To get to know the heart that beat within Marx the scholar, you had to see him when he had closed his books and was surrounded by his family, or on Sunday evenings in the society of his friends.

6. They are not associated with any formal role in society, nor are they in any formal relationship with another person.

7. They see no roles for themselves in an Information Age society, and they are angry about their empty future.

8. The changing face of work and the workplace is one of the most widespread influences in Western society.

9. Think of all the adjectives that are most disrespectful in our society.

10. To understand this phenomenon we must look at our society's insistence that women are only valuable when they are attractive and useful to men.