1. The stars are so fiery hot that they give off great light and heat — more than the hottest, brightest fire you can imagine.

2. The light we see coming from some far-off stars started on its journey more than a hundred years ago.

3. That version — a tall man with white hair and a small white beard on his chin, a dark blue coat and a tall hat with stars on it — was a self-portrait of Flagg.

4. No matter what their I Q, once again it was emotional intelligence that separated the stars from the average performers.

5. He was an immensely talented man, determined to a degree unusual even in the ranks of Hollywood stars.

6. Scientists have named these stars ´quasars´.

7. So when the stars called someone, they almost always got a faster answer."

8. Probably at one time the earth was blazing hot, like the stars we see in the sky at night.

9. Movie stars regularly change their names, and with some determination, you can, too.

10. Of course, the Hubble is above the earth´s atmosphere, so it will soon be sending us the clearest pictures of the stars and distant galaxies that we have ever seen.