1. The Swede stood quite still, except that his lips moved slightly.
    那个瑞典人除了嘴唇还在微微动着以外, 站着一动也不动.

2. The officers got out and the prisoner stood to attention and saluted as they passed.

3. Then he stood leaning against the wall, unable to speak.

4. There stood Inspector Hornberg.

5. There were once six blind men in India, who stood by the roadside every day, begging from the people who passed.

6. The children stood in awe round the wonderful machine as the M.P. let out his wife.

7. They walked to the back of the church and stood at the door as their guests filed past.

8. The fat man laughed to himself as he unlocked the door of his room and stood aside to let his frustrated guest enter.

9. The door opened and a waiter stood there with an oval tray, a bottle of liquor, and two glasses.

10. That night she went and sat alone upon a bench that stood beneath an oak tree at the edge of the walk.