1. "We've done years of work in showing that excess alarm or stress chemicals can literally burst heart muscle fibers.

2. "What happens is that the hotter people get, physiologically, with mental stress, the more likely they are to blow apart with some heart problem."

3. "If there is one word that should be substituted for stress, it's control.

4. Again, you face the terms: "Loss of self-worth and security, fear of the future, stress, depression (抑郁)."
    你又一次面对这些字眼: "失去了自尊和保障、害怕未来、精神紧张、沮丧消沉。"

5. You wonder if eating a dozen chocolate-chip (碎片) cookies, wearing a house coat until 4, combing your hair at 5, cleaning behind the stove (twice) and crying in a job-agency parking lot qualify as symptoms of stress or maybe loss of self-worth.
    你不知道这些情况是否可以归类于因紧张、或许还有失去自身价值所引起的症状:一连吃下十几块巧克力曲奇、下午4点钟还穿着居家便服、5点钟才梳头发、在炉子后面东扫西抹 (两遍),以及在职业介绍所的停车场上哭泣。

6. So says Dr. Robert S. Eliot, author of a new book titled From Stress to Strength: How to Lighten Your Load and Save Your Life. He's a clinical professor of medicine at the University of Nebraska.

7. Caring for AIDS patients could seriously stress economic resources even in richer countries.

8. On the exterior, he was cool, calm and collected but on the interior, stress was killing him.

9. Ours has more stress in it, especially in these days of rising competition and shrinking companies.

10. Others laughed too. Humor broke the stress of a very uncomfortable scene.