1. The premium system provides a strong motivation.

2. The crew was made up of strong and able men and the mates were experienced seamen of the first class.

3. That small chair isn´t strong enough to support that heavy man.

4. Their humbler followers, such as partridges, have a like power of strong propulsion, but soon tire.

5. The kings of ancient Egypt planned strong tombs to keep their bodies safe after death and to hold their treasures.

6. This soil has been dumped along the sides of rivers, and strong walls have been erected to hold it there.

7. This strong and steady voice, an American voice with a slight accent of North Carolina, belonged to Edward R. Murrow, head of the European staff of the Columbia Broadcasting System.
    这个有力而平稳的声音,这个带着一点北卡罗来纳口音的美国音,出自爱德华· R· 默罗之口,他是哥伦比亚广播公司驻欧人员的负责人。

8. Thick hair, commanding voice, strong laugh.

9. The boys of average ability and the gifted girls showed strong activity on both sides of their brains as they thought about the puzzle.

10. The long-term acceptance is strong, the rest is just details."