1. Here no professional teachers, but parents, brothers and sisters, nurses and playmates; there teachers specially trained to teach languages. 一边没有职业教师,而只有父母、兄弟姐妹、保姆和游戏伙伴;另一边是由经过专门训练的教师来教授语言。
2. Homework help can come equally from the local library, or libraries and databases in places as far apart as New York and London, or from teachers and fellow students around the globe. 做家庭作业时,既可以向本地的图书馆,也可以向远在像纽约和伦敦这样的地方的图书馆和数据库查询。还可以向世界各地的老师和同学求教。
3. "Jukus are raising a generation of kids who only know how to pass entrance examinations," said an official of the Japan Teachers Union. "课外学校正在培养一代只知道如何通过入学考试的孩子,"日本教师工会的一名官员说,
4. After speaking with thousands of parents, children and teachers, we were alarmed at the public's wealth of environmental ignorance. 在与几千名家长、孩子和教师交谈之后,我们惊讶地发现,人们的环境知识是那么的贫乏。
5. A survey of the children's parents and teachers found that those who as four-year-olds had enough self-control to hold out for the second piece of candy generally grew up to be better adjusted, more popular, adventurous, confident and dependable teen 对这些孩子的家长和教师所作的调查发现,那些四岁就能克制自己,坚持等到第二块糖的孩子,长大后通常有较强的适应力,更合群,富有进取心、自信心,也更可靠。
6. You are teachers. 你们是教师。
7. She pays around 2,000 pounds a year for private teachers to help in special areas. 她每年大约花2000英镑聘请私人教师帮助上些特殊课程。
8. She ignored her teachers' advice to become an English teacher and didn't bother with going on to a university because "I was ready to plunge into my life as an artist." 她没有听从老师的建议做一名英语老师,也不想费心思读大学,因为"我已准备好投身于艺术家的生活。"
9. Primary school teachers are demanding parity with those in secondary schools. 小学教师要求与中学教师同酬.
10. Professional teachers are brought in to help with special subjects, but mostly parents and children work together on units like studying the Greeks or the American Civil War, reading about events, making costumes(戏装), and learning how people used to 一些专业教师被请来上一些专门课程,但有些学习单元主要由家长和孩子一同学习,如学习希腊史和美国内战史,阅读关于重大事件的书籍,制作舞台道具以及了解过去人们的生活方式。