1. A tiny asterisk conducted me to a footnote at the bottom of the page.

2. A tiny asterisk conducted me to a footnote at the bottom of the page.

3. A third, a keen viewer of TV theatre, recognized a phrase in the poem which had been used as the title of a recent play.

4. "The texts of my broadcasts," I said, " ... every page, as you can see, stamped for approval by the High Command and two ministries (政府的部)."
    "我的广播稿," 我说,"…… 你们可以看到每一页都盖上了最高司令部和两个政府部门的核准图章。"

5. On page three, 1 October 1767, was the ad of the agents of the ship, announcing the arrival of the Lord Ligonier under Captain Davies from the River Gambia, with a cargo of "fresh, choice, healthy slaves for sale, to be sold the following Wednesday a
    在第3页上,1767年10月1 日,记录着轮船代理人的广告,宣布来自冈比亚河由戴维斯船长率领的利戈尼尔勋爵号带来了一船“新鲜的、精选的、健壮的奴隶,将于下个星期三在梅格码头出售。”

6. Over them I placed a number of my broadcast scripts (文字稿), each page of which had been stamped by the military and civilian censors (新闻检查官) as passed for broadcast.

7. Look at the third paragraph on page 23.

8. The other my future, an empty gray page, a cloudy sea image on which rain was falling and no boats were in sight.
    河岸另一边是我的未来,那是一片空虚灰暗,飞云蒙蒙的海上景象, 细雨淅沥, 极目不见船只。

9. Its title was the Origin of Species, written by Charles Darwin.
    书的名字叫"物种起源". 作者是查理士.达尔文.

10. I´ve written only one page.