1. "Jukus are playing on the status anxieties of these parents," said Makoto Oda, an author who taught in jukus in Tokyo for more than 20 years.

2. And then there is Tokyo Roof, where I went sky diving indoors.

3. Scores of amusement parks have opened since Tokyo Disneyland arrived in 1983, and 200 more are proposed or under construction.

4. One Tokyo attraction has six roller coasters (环滑车道), which can spin 360 degrees, while whipping around the track.

5. For a fee of $15.60 per jump, Tokyo Roof rented me a flight suit, special shoes, gloves, earplugs(耳塞), a crash helmet, a face mask, a tooth guard and a safety harness (but no parachute).
    蹦极跳每次收费15.60美元,"东京屋顶" 租给我一套飞行服,特殊的鞋子、手套、耳塞、头盔、面罩、护牙套、还有一套安全装备(但是没有降落伞)。