1. "So it was all right for me to date him, but it's wrong for me to marry him.
    "这么说我跟他约会没错, 但是如果我跟他结婚,就错了。

2. Autumn's parents didn't permit her to date and insisted Autumn attend Japanese school on Saturdays.

3. A $3.6 million police station will have the most up-to-date equipment and 99 police officers.

4. Similarly, machines could be used to keep a check on a patient´s health record and bring it up to date.

5. Stalin pressed for a decision to launch Overlord in May, saying, "I don´t care if it is the lst, 15th,or 20th, but a definite date is important."

6. Places that until recently were deaf and dumb are rapidly acquiring up-to-date telecommunications that will let them promote both internal and foreign investment.

7. Your date of birth, Social Security Number, credit and medical histories.

8. One woman I know turned down a blind date with a man named Harry because "he sounded dull".

9. On the contrary, officials of another government bureau report, "no reasonable explanation to date has been made for the vanishings."

10. I remember you used to date that gorgeous girl-she was a cheerleader.