1. There was no middle point. They had a simple saying hanging on their living-room wall: "Life is like a field of newly fallen snow. Where I choose to walk every step will show." 两者之间没有折中可言。在他们起居室的墙上挂着一幅字,上面写着一句朴实无华的格言:“生活如雪后初霁的大地。足之所至,迹必留之。”
2. That night she went and sat alone upon a bench that stood beneath an oak tree at the edge of the walk. 那晚她独自一人坐在路边橡树下的长凳上,
3. The Tramp never loses his faith in the flower girl who'll be waiting to walk into the sunset with him; 流浪汉始终没有失去对卖花女的信心,相信她正等待着与自己共同走进夕阳之中;
4. Then he and his dog would walk 20 minutes to the hospital. 从那儿他和他的狗得走20分钟才到医院。
5. To get out, I would have to climb back down the narrow ladder from the tower and walk past the long row of "salarymen"(薪水阶层)and "office ladies" lined up behind me at an amusement park (游乐园) named Tokyo Roof(东京屋顶). 要出去,就得顺着窄窄的梯子从高塔上往下爬,走过排在我后面的长长的一列"薪水阶层"、"办公室女郎"。这一切发生在一个叫做"东京屋顶"的游乐园里。
6. Neil Armstrong is the first astronaut to walk on the moon. 尼尔・阿姆斯壮是第一位在月球漫步的太空人。
7. Not only was the meal well below the usual standard, but Bessie seemed unable to walk steadily. 结果,不仅饭菜远不如平时做得好,而且贝西走起路来似乎东倒西歪。
8. New laws and police priorities are taking up so much time that many forces simply cannot afford to let their officers walk up and down the streets. 新的法令和重点警务工作占去了大量时间,结果使得很多警队就是派不出警员上街巡逻。
9. He was the first man to walk in outer space. 他是第一个在太空外漫步的人.
10. He usually takes a short walk in the evenings and is always home by seven o´clock. 傍晚常常出去溜达一会儿,并且总是在7点钟以前回来。