1. Their sleeping- bags were warm and comfortable, so they all slept soundly.

2. The warm wind is a suggestion of spring.

3. The sunlight made us feel warm and sleepy.

4. That evening he was in an unusually light-hearted mood.

5. There is something comforting about the warm glow shed by advertisements on cold wet winter nights.

6. The tree has grown against a warm wall on a sheltered side of the house.

7. These young people, who love the peace of the mountains, always receive a warm welcome at St. Bernard´s monastery.

8. Their sleeping bags were warm and comfortable, so they all slept soundly.

9. The air was so warm and bright, and I could hear the blackbirds whistling on the edge of the woods, and the Prussians drilling in the meadows behind the sawmill.

10. The days are warm and sunny.