1. The real escapist can watch an free film show and sip champagne on some services.

2. The watch comes with a year´s guarantee.

3. The student hid in an archway nearby where he could watch and hear everything that went on.

4. The real escapist can watch a film and sip champagne on some services.

5. The next morning the whole family trooped in to watch the performance.

6. The bold would come outside to watch them go past and got just as much pleasure out of the tourists as the tourists got out of the village.

7. Rules could not be broken. And she had to watch that train disappear towards her destination while she was left behind.

8. He ran to the policeman and gave him the watch.
    他朝那个警察跑去, 把手表给了他.

9. He bought a quartz watch.

10. He ran to the policeman and gave him the watch.
    他朝那个警察跑去, 把手表给了他.