1. This written report contains both a verbal description and a sketch of the building.

2. Though it was written in 1902, it still is a very exciting book.

3. The next morning she saw he had written below her message: "Wife, I missed you. You thought I was asleep, but I was just resting my eyes and thinking about that peculiar woman who talked to us in church a long time ago.

4. No matter how hard I tried, it was impossible to fill this beautiful pen with ink and to this day it has never written a single word!

5. He has written three books in economics.

6. Although other people had written books about her, people agreed that her own books are the ones that best explain how it feels to be deaf, dumb and blind.

7. All of us have experienced this sudden arrival of a new idea, but it is easiest to examine it in the great creative personalities, many of whom experienced it in an intensified form and have written it down in their life stories and letters.

8. Sometimes the yeast within a writer outlives a book he has written.

9. She felt in her handbag for the piece of paper on which her father had written down all the details of the journey and gave it to the porter.

10. Most of the scene is written in verse, but some is in prose.
    这场戏大部分内容是用韵文写成的, 但也有一些是散文形式的.