1. "He wrote down things like being a better father, being a better husband, being financially independent, being stimulated intellectually and remaining even tempered —

2. She wrote an article in answer to his criticism.

3. She wrote something to summarize her hypothesis.

4. She wrote the poem on the blackboard and read it aloud.

5. She wrote many books, too.

6. She wrote a note on the envelope and left it on his book: "Husband, I have gone next door to help Mrs. Norton with her sick children."

7. She also wrote funny columns for Indian magazines.

8. People wrote many poems in praise of our beloved Premier Zhou.

9. Marx wrote back to say that Engels´ praise had greatly encouraged him.
    马克思回信说, 恩格斯的称赞对自己的鼓励很大.

10. Marx wrote back to say that Engels´ praise had greatly encouraged him.
    马克思回信说, 恩格斯的称赞对自己的鼓励很大.