1. Some children are coming out of the building.

2. She teaches children to sing and speak clearly.

3. She was married when she was sixteen and she had six children.

4. Spoiling a child also happens when parents are unable to stand up to their children's unreasonable demands.

5. Still others are afraid to say no to their children's endless requests for toys for fear that their children will infer they are unloved or will be made fun of if they don't obtain the same toys their friends have.

6. Some people are surprised when they learn of this old custom because they think people of southern Germany followed the Catholic (天主教的) religion, which teach marriage is a holy right given by God in order to create children.
    有些人在得知这个古老的风俗后感到很吃惊,因为他们认为德国南部的人信奉天主教,天主教教导人们: 婚姻是上帝赐给人们生育孩子的一种神圣权利。

7. Sometimes you may feel uncertain about whether to give in to many of your children's requests.

8. Some of the children we encountered stared, pointed, and laughed; adults gave us long, doubting looks.

9. She told me of my grandfather's devotion to his own children, and how difficult it was for him to send his daughter to America for her education, fearing that same separation (分离).

10. Some parents prefer keeping children home because of attacks by other students and a lack of discipline in schools.