1. Cut the crusts off when you make sandwiches.

2. Can you make the teapot, John?
    你会做茶壶吗, 约翰?

3. Can you make the tea, Sam?

4. Columbus made no answer; but after a while he took an egg from a dish and said to the guests, "Who among you, gentlemen, can make this egg stand on end?"

5. Caesar then decreed that the year should consist of 365 days, but every fourth year an extra day should be inserted at the end of February to make up for the quarter days that were lost.

6. Children do not learn sounds correctly at once, but make countless mistakes.

7. B.You try to discuss irritating matters with a third person so that you can make your feelings known without an argument.

8. Equipped in a manner which would make a modern climber shudder at the thought,

9. "But to make quite sure I´ll go home with you.

10. "Let´s first make it and then I´ll find some way or other to launch it into the water," I said to myself.