3. In the end, we stay at home and look after everything! 末了,我们呆在家里来照看一切。
4. In the evening, the children come home from school. 傍晚,孩子们放学回家。
5. It is ten o´clock. Mrs. Sawyer usually stays at home in the morning, 现在是10点钟。上午,索耶夫人通常是呆在家里的,
6. I can´t get home so early, Dad! 这么早我到不了家,爸爸!
7. I stayed at home! 我呆在这里了!
8. In 1763 he came home and set up as a surgeon, and 5 years later he became chief surgeon at St. George´s Hospital and surgeon to the king, George Ⅲ. 1763年回国,建立了外科诊室。5年之后,他成为圣·乔治医院的主治外科医生,并兼任国王乔治三世的私人外科医生。
9. I grew up in a little town called Henning, Tennessee, in the home of my maternal grandmother. 我是在田纳西州一个叫汉宁的小镇上外祖母的家中长大的。
10. It was a ceremony to welcome home a son long lost. 这是对遗失了多年的儿子又回到家中的一种欢迎仪式。