1. Jean: When will the movie start? I want to put on some make-up before we go. I don´t like people to stare at my pimples. 琴:电影何时开始?在我们走之前我想化点妆,我不喜欢人们看着我的青春痘.
2. John Smith: I don´t know you´re talking about. 约: 我不知道你在说什么?
3. “Well, I don’t know.” How foolish I was. Why had I said this? “嗯,我吃不准。”我多笨啊!我干嘛要说这句话呢?
4. “Forty,” she says. “I don't think so. Try somewhere around twenty.” "40?"她说:"我看不见得。大约20左右吧。"
5. “Don't you pay your nanny that way?” "你不是给你保姆这么付工钱的吗?
6. “But I don't know how much he weighs. "但我却不知道他有多重。
7. “Shoba, why don't you stay back here in India for a few months? "莎巴,你干吗不回印度来住几个月呢?
8. “Why don't you sit down?” a voice said. "你为什么不坐?" 有人说。
9. Generally,they don´t ,yet a few are dishonest. 大致来说,他们不收,然而有少数不诚实.
10. Go away ! I don´t want any interference while I´m working ! 走开!我工作的时候不许有任何打扰!