1. Ms. Barson's own children, Luis, age 12, and 7-year-old Lilly, have never attended school.

2. Most professors agree future learning will be more centred around the home, and fear children could become isolated and shy.

3. Margaret Rudland, head teacher in Hammersmith, also thinks children must experience actual peer relations.

4. Mary Engelbreit was a talented but struggling artist in her mid-twenties when she flew to New York from her native Saint Louis, hoping to find work illustrating children's books — her life's goal.

5. Joe and Malcolm Gauld both say children tend to do their utmost when they see their parents making similar efforts.

6. — Parents in their prime working years face growing burdens caring for children, who need to be supported through more years of education, and for their own parents, who are living longer.

7. — Children in single-parent households — usually families with only a mother present — are much more likely to be overtaken by poverty than those who live with two parents, largely because of the loss of support from the fathers.

8. — Even in households where fathers are present, mothers are carrying increasing economic responsibility for children.

9. “In traditional Bangladesh, a woman may need to get a job weaving textiles because her husband was much older, and died while the children were still young,” Ms.Bruce said.
    "在孟加拉国,传统上一名女子需要做一份纺织工作,因为孩子年幼时丈夫就年事已高或者已经去世," 布鲁斯女士说,

10. “In Africa, an eighteen-year-old woman might need a job because she had a baby before marriage and has only a casual relationship with the father, or she might have a husband who goes on to another marriage and supports the children of that union.”