1. It was not long before a helicopter arrived on the scene to rescue the survivors of the plane crash.

2. It is not long before they are so accustomed to swimming that they can pick up weights from the floor of the pool.

3. I don´t want to make another film for a long time.

4. It seemed they talked about things that had happened to the family a very long time ago, and they went back and back and back.

5. It was a ceremony to welcome home a son long lost.

6. I didn´t have to look long.

7. I said that if he talked very long, his Russian listeners, not understanding what was said, would probably lose interest.

8. I remembered once, at a family reunion, when my daughter was two, that my father picked her up for a minute -- long enough for me to photograph them -- but the effort was obvious.

9. In Baltimore, a long strip of land (which was used for dumping garbage) is becoming a series of biking and walking trails.

10. In the long run that's what education really ought to be about.