1. It is: If a year´s number can be divided by 4, it won´t be a leap year if it can be further divided by 100. 这就是:如果某一年的数字被4除尽后还能被100除,那么这一年就不是闰年。
2. In the only interview he has given since his arrest a year ago, Mr. Williams discussed his motives for the crime with a London newspaper: 自一年前被捕以来,威廉斯先生仅接受过一次采访。采访中,他对伦敦一家报纸谈到了自己的犯罪动机:
3. Whose analysis of the data on exercise and fall prevention appeared last year in The Journal of the American Medical Association. 他对锻炼与摔跤预防的数据分析去年发表在《美国医药协会学刊》上。
4. It is a heavy load for an 11-year-old. 对于一个11岁的孩子来说,这样的负担太沉重了。
5. Instead, I look at Sam's year-old body. 相反,我看了看山姆一岁大的身子。
6. I read the books What to Expect the First Year and What to Expect the Toddler (刚学会走路的小孩 ) Years. 我还读过《一岁婴儿护理》、《婴儿学步期须知》这样的书。
7. Identical twins Katie and Sarah Monahan arrived at Pennsylvania's Gettysburg College last year determined to strike out on independent paths. 同卵双胞胎卡蒂和萨拉·莫纳汉去年来到宾夕法尼亚的葛底斯堡大学,决心闯出一条独立之路。
8. It predicted that the company would lose 300 million francs in the current financial year and continue losing money for two more years. 它预计欧洲迪斯尼公司在本财政年度会损失3亿法郎,并且还将继续亏损两年。
9. It turns out that a scientist can see the future by watching four-year-olds interact with a piece of candy. 人们发现,通过观察一个四岁孩子怎样处理一块糖,科学家可以预测其未来。
10. Fireworks are often displayed on New Year´s Eve. 除夕之夜经常燃放烟花爆竹。