1. There is a worm in the sparrow´s beak. 麻雀的嘴里叼着只虫子。
2. The Madonna´s smile was beatific. 圣母的微笑圣洁而安祥。
3. The class begins at eight o´clock. 八点钟开始上课.
4. There´s a socket behind the typewriter. 打字机后面有一个插头.
5. There´s the bell for the end of the lesson. 下课铃响了.
6. To tell you the truth, we´re a bit behind right now. 说实话,我们目前有点逾期。
7. The comments in brackets are the author´s. 括号内的评语是作者写的。
8. Take no notice of his threats they´re sheer bravado. 别理会他的威胁--完全是虚张声势.
9. The reins are fastened to the bridle on the horse´s head. 缰绳扣扎在马头上的笼头上。
10. The burial took place at 6 o´clock. 葬礼是在六点钟举行的。