1. It was a cold gusty day.

2. It´s her hundredth day here.

3. I have an invitation to dinner tonight. Don´t you remember what day it is?
    我今晚有一个邀请去吃晚餐, 你不记得什么日子吗?

4. I invited all my colleagues to dinner tonight. Don´t you remember what day it is?
    我今晚邀请了所有的同事来吃晚餐, 你不记得什么日子吗?

5. It was going to be another hot day in the jungle.

6. I took a nap after lunch on a hot day.

7. It´s October 1 ( the first).It´s National Day.

8. It was pathetic to watch her condition deteriorate day by day.

9. In the pioneering day, however, this was not the case at all.
    然而在登山运动的初期, 情况就迥然不同.

10. I spent the whole day in my room, but I did not write a single card!