1. Roosevelt was about to say something when in the flick of an eye great drops of sweat began beading off his face and he put a shaky hand to his forehead.

2. Recently, I have, in fact, become a grandmother.

3. Only when a great deal more information has been obtained, will it be possible to plan a manned trip to Mars.

4. Once we get down to the oil, it usually flows to the surface because great pressure, either from gas or water, is pushing it.

5. Others wanted to see the Great Wall.

6. Our racial and cultural differences enhanced our relationship and taught us a great deal about tolerance, compromise, and being open with each other.

7. They aroused great interest at the time, they had important theoretical consequences, and they provided a striking demonstration of the potentialities hidden in instruments and apparatus.

8. In 1929 a great celebration was held on his fiftieth birthday in Berlin.
    1929年, 在他五十寿辰的时候, 人们在柏林举行大的庆祝会.

9. In 1929 a great celebration was held on his fiftieth birthday in Berlin.
    1929年, 在他五十寿辰的时候, 人们在柏林举行大的庆祝会.

10. It has great gateways which connect the main roads of north China.
    长城有许多关口, 这些关口与华北的主要道路相连.