1. Do you think sexual act outside marriage is wrong?

2. A lawyer must act with scrupulous honesty.

3. "That's just an act," said Sandy. "Bill has a really hard time paying attention.

4. "You are full of surprises," he said to her. "Even I can never count upon how you are going to act under given conditions.
    "你可真让人吃惊," 他说,"我都说不准你什么时候会怎么做。

5. You should act according to your conscience.

6. People who can see sometimes act just as foolishly.
    有时候, 眼睛看得见的人也做出同样的蠢事.

7. People who have eyes sometimes act just as foolishly when they take a one-sided view of things.

8. Chaplin quit Britain for good in 1913 when he journeyed to America with a group of performers to do his comedy act on the stage

9. Reporters kept pressing for interviews so lawyers had to be employed to act as spokesmen for the family at press conferences.

10. Raise your consciousness by catching yourself in the act of thinking as often as possible.