1. An ocean of blue above, a blanket of pure white below. 头上是一片蓝色的天海,身下铺着雪白的云毯。
2. A lone cloud floated in the blue sky. 一缕孤云在蓝天中飘流。
3. She looked at the blue dome of the sky. 她望着蓝色的苍穹。
4. She was wearing a pair of tight blue jeans. 她穿著蓝色紧身牛仔裤.
5. She was wearing a blue dress and a mink coat. 她穿着一件蓝色的衣服和一件貂皮大衣.
6. She was wearing a blue dress and a mink coat. 她穿着一身蓝色的套装和一件貂皮大衣。
7. My shirt´s blue. 我的衬衫是蓝色的。
8. My mother has dressed my sister and me in our best clothes — identical navy blue dresses with sailor collars and gray coats. 我母亲给我和我妹妹穿上了我们最好的衣服——两人的衣服是一样的——都是有水手领的海军蓝裙子和灰色外套。
9. Just then, his partner appeared. Slight and shorter, he held an enlarged blue steel pistol. 就在这时,他的同伙出现了。他很瘦小,手持一支加大的蓝色钢制左轮手枪。
10. “Thanks,” she says. “He has your blue eyes.” "谢谢," 她说,"他有你的蓝眼睛。"