3. I had left it on a chair beside the door and now it wasn´t there! 我曾把它放在门边的椅子上,可这会儿不见了!
4. Imagine a few people sitting in a waiting room: one is tapping his fingers on his briefcase, another keeps rubbing his hands together, another is biting his fingernails, still another grabs the arms of his chair tightly and one keeps running his fing 想象一下几个坐在一间等候室里的人:一个在用手指轻轻敲打公文包,一个在不停地揉搓双手,另一个在咬自己的手指甲,还有一个用手紧抓着椅子的扶手,又一个在不断地用手指梳理着头发。
5. I prefer to stay put. Sometimes, like weekends, it takes huge control just to get out of a chair. 可我这人喜欢待在一个地方不动。有时侯,比如说在周末,要我离开椅子可得费好大的劲。