1. Suppose that during a negotiation with some government officials, the Minister of Trade makes it clear to you that if you offer him a substantial bribe, you will find it much easier to get an import license for your goods, and you are also likely to
    假定在一场与政府官员的谈判中,贸易部长向你明确表示如能给他一大笔贿赂,拿到进口许可证就会容易得多,还可能避免他所说的"程序上的延误" 。

2. Much of the country has already been clear-cut, and soil erosion has been extensive.

3. You can enjoy the extraordinary sight of unbroken cloud plains that stretch out for miles before you, while the sun shines brilliantly in a clear sky.

4. Generally, such parents created a pleasant home governed by clear rules.

5. But fearing that she would never see Rastus again----the letter had made that quite clear----she changed her mind.

6. (A companion study showed girls' popularity with their peers was also related to the popularity of their names — although the connection was less clear for boys.)

7. On a clear day you can see France from England.

8. One clear finding from their studies is that people need green spaces for better mental health.

9. Our challenges for this new century are clear.

10. One health official recommends that when you sign a medical form you change it to make it clear "that you do not consent to having information re-released or sold to a second party without your direct, written consent".