1. At a counter on the right, a woman is showing an old man a towel and some soap. 靠右边的柜台里,女售货员拿出毛巾和肥皂给一位老人看。
2. As the grocery items moves along the conveyor belt, the checker passes each item over a glass plate in the counter top, making sure that the UPC symbols can be read by the laser beam under the glass. 食品杂货经传送带传到收款员跟前,收款员随即将每一物品搁在柜台上的一块玻璃板上一扫,好使板下的扫描机阅读条形码。
3. All he did was to stand behind the counter taking money. 他只需站在柜台后面收钱就是了。
4. And yet, only half way through the book, she´s completely broken with the old world and become a staunch fighter in the ranks of the revolution. 但是只到了书中描写的一半,她就完全与旧世界决裂,成为了革命阶级中一名坚强的战士。
5. After the war, a character called Uncle Sam began appearing in political cartoons, his form evolving from an earlier cartoon character called Brother Jonathan that was popular during the American Revolution. 战后,政治漫画里开始出现了一个名叫"山姆大叔"的人物。他的原型是一个早期漫画人物,名叫乔纳森大哥,此人在美国独立战争时期非常出名。
6. As the story goes, Great-Grandpa took the trunk, learned how to make pastrami, and began selling big pieces of pastrami over the counter. 据说,曾祖父收下了皮箱,学会了制作五香烟熏牛肉,并开始在柜台上出售大块的五香烟熏牛肉。
7. Sam leaned over the counter. 萨姆斜靠在柜台上。
8. It was dead silent in the café as Sam walked back to his place behind the counter. 萨姆回到了柜台后面他的位置,咖啡店里死一般的沉静。
9. India had gone from an agricultural society to the cyber-revolution, without passing through intermediate stages such as the welfare state and the creation of social services. 印度已从一个农业社会走向了网络革命,没有经历过诸如福利国家和创立服务体系之类的中间阶段。
10. I was free at last to get to the ticket counter to check my luggage. 我终于可以自由地到检票处去托运我的行李了。