1. That version — a tall man with white hair and a small white beard on his chin, a dark blue coat and a tall hat with stars on it — was a self-portrait of Flagg. 山姆大叔的形象是:高个子,白头发,下巴上有一小撮白胡子,身着深蓝色外套,头戴一顶高帽,上有星星点缀。这模样其实就是弗拉格的自画像。
2. Things seemed always to go from almost incredibly bad to worse. Even Mr. Torres's good luck has a dark side: 事情似乎总是从糟糕透顶变得更加恶化,甚至多里斯先生的好运也总伴随着不幸。
3. This type of technology evolves out of convenience, says Evan Hendricks (伊万·亨德里克斯), editor of the Privacy Times (《私密时代》) newspaper, but "the dark side is that landlords, employers, and insurance companies could say we won't do business with you 《私密时代》报纸编辑伊万·亨德里克斯说,为方便起见产生了这门技术,但是,"其不便之处就是房东、雇主或保险公司等会说,我们不会与你谈正事的, 除非你出示该卡。"
4. He groped for the light switch in the dark basement. 在黑暗的地下室中,他摸索着电灯的开关。
5. He groped for the light switch in the dark basement . 在黑暗的地下室中,他摸索着电灯的开关。
6. His dark eyes shone like polished glass; his arms and legs moved unexpectedly, as if attached to unseen wires. 他深色的眼睛里闪着光,好似擦亮了的玻璃;他手臂和双腿冷不防地移动着,就好像是连着看不见的电线似的。
7. He wanted a job developing X-ray film, something that everyone must do in the dark. 他想干一份冲洗X光胶片的工作,这工作任何人都只能在黑暗中完成。
8. Dark glasses is an effective shield against the glare. 墨镜能有效地保护眼睛不受强光刺激。
9. Dressed in dark glasses and old clothes, they had taken special precautions so that no one should recognize them. 他们戴着墨镜,穿着旧衣裳,特别小心以防别人认出他们。
10. "December 5: It was still dark and a storm was blowing in when I left for the airport this morning ..." "12月5日:今晨动身去机场时, 天还没亮,刮起了风暴……"