1. Asked to describe other aspects of the effort to make the park more European, a spokesman mentioned that direction signs in the theme park will be in French as well as English, and that some performers will chat in French, Spanish and English.

2. Yet to both classes, the need of an alternative outlook, of a change of atmosphere, of a diversion of effort, is essential.

3. Such an attempt only aggravates the strain of mental effort.

4. Such an attempt only aggravates the strain of mental effort.

5. Such an attempt only aggravates the strain of mental effort.

6. Such an effort is our only hope of creating the social structure needed in the next century.

7. No more effort than one bite.

8. Realizing that this was no ordinary fish, the fisherman made every effort not to damage it in any way.

9. On the other hand, this effort is not being taken too far.

10. They do not make the further intellectual and emotional effort needed to comprehend form in its full spatial existence.