1. Often they are locals trying to make extra money rather than licensed taxi operators who have passed safety training or a background check. 通常,他们是想赚些外快的当地人,而不是经过安全训练、受过背景考察、持有运营执照的出租车驾驶员。
2. Often what you think is a dishonest fare is actually the sum of legal extra charges. 在很多情况下,你认为有假的价格其实是合法的额外费用。
3. Luggage requires an extra charge in some cities. 还有些城市要求支付行李附加费。
4. I always have an extra shirt handy. 我手边总多备一件衬衣。
5. In Australia and Singapore, extra charges are imposed for phone-in requests. 在澳大利亚和新加坡,电话叫车要收取额外费用。
6. If you need extra help with a translation assignment or your pronunciation, a tutor can give you feedback via your computer. 如果你在翻译作业或发音上还需额外帮助,辅导教师可通过电脑给你反馈。
7. Faced with sharing a dinner of raw pet food with the cat, many people in wheelchairs I know bleed the system for a few extra dollars. 我认识的许多坐轮椅的人面临与宠物猫分吃生猫食的窘境,都会向福利机构多榨取几美元。