1. During a radio programme, a company of biscuit manufacturers once asked listeners to bake biscuits and send them to their factory.

2. Directly the bell went, the ten of us from our shop would run the whole of the three hundred yards down the road from our factory to Sam´s café, where old Maggie worked as the only waitress.

3. Since the factory moved,this town has only a remnant of its former population.

4. So at noon the next day Mother was at the factory gate, bending under the weight of her food baskets.

5. She carried the leaflets regularly to the factory, looking upon this as her duty.

6. Since no one wants to do the dirty, uninteresting factory-line work any more, we decide not to.

7. So we take some chimpanzees (黑猩猩), or if we really want some strength, some great apes (猿), do a bit of scientific engineering here and there, and we create some animals, which are made for the factory line.

8. Mrs.Brabante is talking to the manager of the local factory where the crop is processed.

9. On May Day the factory was decorated in amazing colours.

10. Once inside the factory yard, Mother set her baskets down, wiped the sweat off her face and looked round.