1. A film star filed a lawsuit against our firm.

2. A quiet day´s fishing, or eight hours in a cinema seeing the same film over and over again, is usually as far as they get.

3. ´It couldn´t be better, Gloria,´ Brinksley Meers agreed. ´No newspaper men, no film fans! Why don´t we come more often?´

4. "The camera and the film became clear to me. In my mind they were so real that I spent several hours describing them."

5. She was as simple and pretty as a film ingenue.

6. She told me she had just made a new film.

7. She told reporters she felt very tired and didn´t want to make another film for a long time.´

8. She said her future husband would not let her make another film.

9. Mr. Torres was beginning the complicated two-hour trip to his job developing film in the X-ray department of the emergency room of the Bronx Municipal (市立的) Hospital Center.

10. On Saturday evening there is a film or a dance.