1. The singer gave an erratic performance. 演唱者未唱出水平.
2. The small baby gave a feeble cry. 那个小婴儿哭声很弱。
3. The girl ´gave´ her mother a free dress once a week! 这姑娘每周“给”她母亲一件免费的衣服。
4. The President gave an inaugural speech when he took office. 总统上任时发表了就职演说。
5. That was a pretty decent lecture professor Willams gave today. 威廉教授今天做得演讲相当不错。
6. The little boy gave his face a perfunctory wash. 这个小男孩敷衍地洗了把脸。
7. The minister admitted that he gave preferrential treatment to people from his own party. 那位部长承认, 他对自己政党里的人给与照顾.
8. The excuse he gave for his lateness was so preposterous that everyone laughed. 他为自己的迟到所编造的藉口是如此荒谬, 以至大家都感到好笑。
9. They held a bazaar and gave the proceeds to the local charities. 他们举行了义卖, 并把所得捐给了当地的慈善机构。
10. The shopkeeper gave his store a final checkup before closing for the night. 店主在晚上打烊前对商店作了最后检查。