1. Although mankind has undergone no general improvement in intelligence or morality,

2. And so was the old general.

3. After hours of experimenting they felt a weakness in the muscles, a pain in the knees and a general sickness that lasted until the following day.

4. After a few days, the general complaint is about the food.

5. Although scientists still cannot predict earthquakes, they are learning a great deal about how the large plates in the earth's crust move, the stresses between plates, how earthquakes work, and the general probability that a given place will have an

6. "If we can make someone's day brighter for $35 instead of $65, then they'll have enough money left over for candy and dinner," says the general manager of Roses Only's New York stores.

7. A general knowledge of a city's taxi-taking customs can also make you more comfortable during your travels.

8. At present, it is believed that genes account for at least half of what researchers call "g" — the general thinking ability that IQ tests are supposed to measure — while environmental influences account for the other half.
    人们目前认为,对于研究人员称为"g"的能力 -- 即智力测验所要衡量的综合思维能力 -- 基因至少起了一半的作用,而环境影响则起到了另一半作用。

9. Some of the bigger firms are engaged in researches which are of such general and fundamental nature that it is a positive advantage to them not to keep them secret.

10. So was born the echo-sounding apparatus, now in general use in ships.