1. He is perfectly happy in his new job.

2. During spring and summer and autumn he was very happy, but when winter came, he suffered from cold and hunger, and often went to bed without supper.
    在春天、夏天和秋天,他很快活。可是一到冬天,他便饥寒交迫, 常常吃不上晚饭就上床睡觉。

3. And find some grace and pleasure in our condition, not like a self-centered British poet but like a patient princess sealed up in a tower, waiting for the happy ending to our fairy tale.

4. Are you truly happy in your work?

5. A roast duck, a bottle of wine, a cup of coffee and a cigar will make me happy on the journey to my winter quarters."

6. "I'm Aunt Esther Gubbins," she said. "I'm here to tell you you are going to live a good life and be happy. You will work hard and love each other."

7. "I'd be happy to," I replied.

8. Young men, in particular, are not happy with their prospects for the future.

9. She is a happy girl.

10. She is a happy girl.