1. The brawl in the street could be heard in the house nearby.

2. The large house being built in the street is a new hospital.

3. The house was burnt to ashes.

4. There is a cellar in my house.

5. There is a cherry tree in front of the house.

6. The rain compelled us to come into the house.

7. The discussion was taking place in the library of a large country house which one of them owned.
    这场争论正在一所宽大的乡间住宅的书房里进行, 其中一人是那所住宅的主人.

8. The house was thoroughly disinfected after he had had scarlet fever.
    他得过猩红热后, 这间屋子彻底消了毒。

9. There is an elm tree in front of my house.

10. There is a great expanse of forest in front of our house.