1. He bent the iron bar as if it had been of rubber.

2. However, most people with low iron reserves don't know they have a deficiency, because traditional methods of calculating the amount of iron in blood (by checking levels of the blood protein that transports oxygen) are not sufficient, Beard states.

3. "We found that women who were normally inactive and then started a program of moderate exercise showed evidence of iron loss," says Roseanne M. Lyle, associate professor at Purdue.
    "我们发现,那些通常不运动的女性一旦开始适度的锻炼,就会出现铁离子含量下降的迹象," 珀杜大学罗斯安妮·M.莱尔副教授说。

4. "Women who consumed additional meat or took iron supplements were able to bounce back," she notes.

5. "But the new exercisers who followed their normal diet showed a decrease in iron levels."

6. And because women often restrict their diet in an effort to control weight, they may not consume enough iron-rich food, and are liable to experience a deficiency.

7. "The average woman takes in only two thirds of the recommended daily allowance for iron," notes another expert.

8. "For a woman who already has a poor iron status, any additional iron loss from exercise may be enough to tip her over the edge into a more serious deficiency," notes the expert.

9. Athletes in high-impact sports such as running may also lose iron through a phenomenon where small blood vessels in the feet leak blood.

10. "You're not stage 3 until your iron reserves go to zero, and if you wait until that point, you're in trouble."