1. The story goes that Augustus could not bear to have Julius Caesar´s month longer than the one he named himself. 据说奥古斯都大帝不能容忍恺撒大帝的月份比他的月份长。
2. The feeling of private space and ownership no longer exists in houses literally piled one on the other. 住在层层相叠的房子里再也没有那种私人空间和拥有的感觉了。
3. The companies are getting smaller and smaller because of bleak economic conditions and employees fear for their jobs — so they work longer hours. 由于经济形势黯淡, 公司不断裁员, 雇员担心失去工作, 因此他们工作时间更长。
4. That second choice no longer exists for the vast majority of Americans. 对绝大多数美国人来说, 上述第二种选择已不复存在。
5. The original garbage crisis occurred when people first settled down to farm and could no longer leave their places after their garbage grew too deep. 最早的垃圾危机发生在人类首次定居并开始农耕时,由于垃圾堆积过多,人们无法离开他们的住地。
6. The Population Council report says women around the world tend to work longer hours than men, both at home and on the job. 人口委员会的报告说,全世界的妇女,无论在家里还是在工作岗位上,都往往比男性工作的时间长。
7. The Love Family is either too casual for children — your friends have no obligation to provide for them — or it's too unstable, with adults moving on if the relationship no longer answers their search for perfect happiness. "情爱家庭"对孩子来说,要么太随意 —— 新的伴侣对你的孩子没有抚养责任,要么太不稳定,成年人一旦感到他们的关系无法满足自己对完美幸福的追求,就会转而他求。
8. They already carry longer clubs to replace the old ones. 他们现在所携的警棍较以前的要长。
9. No one can plead ignorance of a subject any longer, for there are countless do-it-yourself publications. 由于出版了不计其数的教人自己动手做事的书报杂志,没有人再能说对某事一无所知。
10. Now that they are no longer ignorant of the causes of the sickness of our planet, they seek ways to help the Earth, to give back what they take away. 由于不再无视地球罹难的根源,人们正在寻求各种方法来治疗它,把自己取走的东西归还给地球。