1. "For a woman who already has a poor iron status, any additional iron loss from exercise may be enough to tip her over the edge into a more serious deficiency," notes the expert.

2. "The state of Oregon (俄勒冈州) has 109 different offenses that can result in the temporary loss of a driver's license; 50 of them have nothing at all to do with driving," writes Garfinkel.

3. You discover your insurance doesn't cover the loss.

4. You wonder if eating a dozen chocolate-chip (碎片) cookies, wearing a house coat until 4, combing your hair at 5, cleaning behind the stove (twice) and crying in a job-agency parking lot qualify as symptoms of stress or maybe loss of self-worth.
    你不知道这些情况是否可以归类于因紧张、或许还有失去自身价值所引起的症状:一连吃下十几块巧克力曲奇、下午4点钟还穿着居家便服、5点钟才梳头发、在炉子后面东扫西抹 (两遍),以及在职业介绍所的停车场上哭泣。

5. She mourns the loss of her mother.

6. Such a loss of dignity and descent into childish behaviour on the part of the adults deeply shocks the adolescents, and makes them resolve that in future they will not talk to their parents about the places or people they visit.

7. Some natural sorrow, loss, or pain,

8. Seeing me at a loss, he asked, “How do you like the weather here?”

9. Mr. Forsgren said the number of staff, now at 17,000, would "come down significantly in the next two months, mainly through the loss of seasonal employees".

10. — Children in single-parent households — usually families with only a mother present — are much more likely to be overtaken by poverty than those who live with two parents, largely because of the loss of support from the fathers.