1. The British think a sick animal will drag itself through the tunnel and introduce the island nation to new diseases.

2. The glory of burning passion may well have faded, and your love for your wife or husband may not be as exciting or satisfying as it once was, but going off in search of another love will not help your children.

3. The Love Family is either too casual for children — your friends have no obligation to provide for them — or it's too unstable, with adults moving on if the relationship no longer answers their search for perfect happiness.
    "情爱家庭"对孩子来说,要么太随意 —— 新的伴侣对你的孩子没有抚养责任,要么太不稳定,成年人一旦感到他们的关系无法满足自己对完美幸福的追求,就会转而他求。

4. The Love Family, in the end, doesn't have to make concessions for children and relatives.

5. To sum it up, mature love is union under the condition of preserving one's individuality.

6. Thus, a broken alarm clock in the movie The Pawnbroker became a "sick" patient undergoing surgery; boots were boiled in his film The Gold Rush and their soles eaten with salt and pepper like prime cuts of fish (the nails being removed like

7. Nothing says love like a dozen long-stemmed roses on Valentine's Day.

8. Nor, I would venture to suggest, is love enough to sustain a marriage relationship.

9. Useless, powerless, complaining, sick, weak, conservative, rigid, helpless, unproductive, wrinkled, ugly, unattractive, and on and on.

10. He was moved by the ardent love between the two characters.