1. Both men had hardly had time to realize what was happening when they were thrown violently into the sea.

2. By the time he can talk, he is the little creature of his culture,

3. Before we had time to worry about what might happen, we were back on the plain again.

4. Burglar alarms going off at any time of the day or night serve only to annoy passers-by and actually assist burglars to burgle.

5. Bagrit foresaw a time when computers would be small enough to hold in the hand,

6. By this time her legs were beginning to tremble, so she sat down and accepted a cup of very strong tea, while he telephoned the police.

7. But some time later it began to rain.

8. By the time you read this, the Hubble´s eagle eye will have sent us thousands and thousands of wonderful pictures.

9. By this time, a Lancaster bomber in reasonable condition was rare and worth rescuing.

10. By this time, however, three men had come into the ring and they quickly dragged the drunk to safety.